《凌晨四点的重庆》讲述了一场跨度为十年的爱情故事,一张神秘照片和一对情侣用自己的爱情经历来回答 “爱情是否是命中注定”。据了解,该短片由新世相读者真实故事改编而来,由曾参演张艾嘉《相爱相亲》的青年演员宋宁峰和曾获得过上海国际电影节最佳女主角的吕星辰担当男女主角,曾参演电影《我不是药神》的李乃文和热剧《爱情进化论》的重庆籍女演员何泓姗也会出演。
Our latest score for Yeo Joon Han’s short film “ChongQing 4am 凌晨4点的重庆” hits 56mil views on Youku today with user rating of 9.0 and another 25mil from other platforms. Youku 优酷 Official Version | Youku 优酷 Extended Version QQ Official Version | Youtube Official Version PS: End credit song is muted by youtube because of the uploader profile. We have adapted one of the songs (昨夜花园) we did for an astonishing project “Mystique Song poetry album 神秘之歌诗曲专辑” to help promote its upcoming release. Joon Han also used music from award-winning concept album - Platform 11, which Ken produced and arranged in 2013, as the end credit song. Having our work spread out to the outside world is always meaningful for us as Malaysian musicians. This is the director’s cut that we like more, Enjoy ! https://vimeo.com/295677644 Password: chongqing 新世相:凌晨四点的重庆,4000种残酷和温柔 《凌晨四点的重庆》火了!城市文案走心了…… 忘了告诉你,凌晨四点的重庆,你错过的那些美好与温柔! 凌晨四点的重庆,比你在电视里看到的更残酷也更温柔 生活在上海年轻人真实的故事 他们说:凌晨四点,当睡着的人拥有睡眠时,他们拥有了整座城市。 上海总人口约24,150,000人,上海外来人口约9,900,000人,约占总人口的41%
两个月前,新世相发起了#凌晨四点的上海#故事征集,共收集到了14000个故事,我们把其中三个拍成了一支短片。今天新世相宣布“凌晨四点城市短片计划”正式启动。这或许是中国第一个真正意义上的原创深夜IP。 Award-winning director Yeo Joon Han's latest short film "凌晨四点的上海“ that grabbed close to 500 millions views on Tencent Video ! Stay tuned for the next one for Chong Qing. Watch on Tencent 腾讯 | YouTube | Bilibili Read more on DouBan 豆瓣 |Sohu 搜狐 5月29日,杨俊汉导演微电影《凌晨四点的上海》正式上线,一展夜幕下的人生百态。影片也邀请到实力演员谭卓、黄尚禾,新生代小花袁子芸联袂出演,分饰打工啤酒妹、即将失恋的乘客、偶遇“凶神”的吃馄饨女生,他们的故事交织成夜幕下的城市画卷。新世相为当下极具传播度的内容平台,此次也同步宣布开启“凌晨四点城市短片计划”,上海便为其重磅推出的第一站。据悉,该微电影一经推送不到24小时,便已有突破100000人次的阅读量,开启一场由“熬夜”引发情感共鸣... Music by Ken Hor & Lo Shi Seng Directed by Syafiq Yusof Production House @ Skop Productions, Astro Shaw Post Production @ Imaginex Studios FFM 29 Best Film Score Finalist More info @ IMDB | Wikipedia Film Premiere @ Pavilion GSC, August 24, 2017 Work Archive : 1. Cobra In Action 2. War In The Factory Password : ivp Articles & Write Up Malay Mail : Pecah rekod, ‘Abang Long Fadil 2’ kutip RM17.9 juta atasi ‘Polis Evo’ Star : ‘Abang Long Fadil 2’ is the new king of Malaysian cinema Astro Awani : 'Abang Long Fadil 2' tops local box office, beats 'Polis Evo' record 中國報China Press : Abang Long Fadil 2 榮登最賣座大馬電影 Harian Metro : Abang Long Fadil 2 cecah RM13 juta Music by Ken Hor & Lo Shi Seng More info @ IMDB Click here for Teaser Work Archive Festival Teaser (Director Cut) WIP Password: ivp Some excerpts found online that has our music. PS: Those trailers you saw online with cliche and overwhelming melody.... Not ours More news @ http://www.astroawani.com/video-hiburan/misteri-aliff-dalam-7-dimensi-113052#.V6QpgD7m__8.facebook
I recently composed for Seng Kiat's short film "Hello, goodbye" - The latest BMW Shorties production. Great job by Seng Kiat and Charmaine leading the crew and I had a excellent team working together - great rapport, conscientious people.
We will continue working to make the mix better, meanwhile please use better speakers or earphone to play the film as the low frequency almost disappears on laptop (too many low pizz in this film). Strings - Angela Lou, Shing-Ji, Stephen Tseu Lim Lee Peng on Flute Sounds by QE Thanks too my lovely interns and my assistant lending hands to QE - Genesis Teh, Yenni, Cecilia Yeoh, Lisa Tang, and Wai Kent, as well as Shi Seng for your beautiful scores. News @ http://www.visionkl.com/article/hello-shortie More info about BMW Shorties this year @ http://www.bmwshorties.com.my Directed by Yeo Joon Han, Film Score and Main Theme Music by Ken Hor Audio Post @ Kantana Bangkok. More Info @ IMDB 世界首映 World Premiere 健誠不顧算命師傅再三警告而向美娟求婚,不料他的世界從此陷入黑暗之中。美娟不幸去世後,健誠嘗試聯繫她,卻被美娟逝世時唯一在場的重度昏迷男子之鬼魂所纏上。曾以《死了都要賣!》摘下威尼斯影展影評人週青年電影獎的大馬導演楊俊漢,這次轉而執導靈異片,目標拍出大馬第一部進軍國際市場的恐怖電影,還請來台灣新生代小生王柏傑跨海主演。 電影原題為《呼吸》,是一部敘述包容與同理、社會中個體的獨特性被暴烈地抹殺的恐怖電影。導演表示,他小時候害怕父母死去,長大後怕身邊的人去世,而這部電影說的正是失去摯愛後,身邊的人該如何繼續呼吸。「鎖住我們、限制我們的不只我們本身,可能是我們身邊的人,可能是我們的父母親、老師,可能是我們自己太習慣的規則,所以才使我們窒息。」 Joseph's world plunges into darkness when he defies a fortune-teller's prophecy and asks May to marry him. May dies and Joseph tries in vain to contact her in the afterlife, invoking instead the ghost of a comatose man who was with May the day she died. In the Dark is a supernatural thriller about acceptance and compassion in a society that refuses to recognise the uniqueness of its individual members. 2013 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival 金馬影展選片指南千人誓師大會 10.19 金馬國際影展 11.08-11.28 金馬電影學院 10.25-11.23 金馬創投會議 11.19-11.21 金馬獎頒獎典禮 11.23 金馬50風華展 11.15-12.08 WEBSITE:http://www.goldenhorse.org.tw FACEBOOK:http://www.facebook.com/tghff Title : 愛無能 (電影"怨鬼"主題曲) 主唱:雲鎂鑫 詞:管啟源 曲:陳子超,何福權 Ken Hor Malaysia Official Trailer (In Cinemas 27 March 2014) Singapore Official Trailer (In Cinemas 20 March 2014) Astro The Making of In The Dark [怨鬼]电影制作特辑 [Promo] UNICEF Documentary directed by Rick Widmer.
Trailer More Picture 国别:中国 导演:温成 出品单位:北京冰河大地文化传播有限公司 出品时间:2013年 温成执导。讲述了一群充满活力、年轻的中国女性参加全国舞蹈大赛的经历。这支来自山东济南,具有听力障碍的舞队,以一段谁不说俺家乡好的舞蹈赢得区域冠军,现在她们必须面对健全人组成的舞蹈队,参加在北京举行的CCTV全国舞蹈大赛。 |
June 2022